EHS Gazette Notifications
Extension Of Validity Of Consent To Establish And Consent To Operate In Jammu And Kashmir
The Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Board, vide Circular No.JKPCB/PS/MS/Consents 5-11/2020 has extended the validity Of Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate to 30th June 2020 which were having validity up to 31st March 2020
The Uttar Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, vide Notification No. G 32588/Office Order/2020, for ensuring adequate supplies of the life saving medical equipment, PPE's and Oxygen gas Cylinders, has taken the decision for the grant of Consent to Operate and start manufacturing the same. The grant can be applied online through the "Nivesh Mitra Portal"
Extension Of Storage Period Of Hazardous Waste Beyond 90 Days In Karnataka
Karnataka Pollution Control Board, as per the provisions of Rule 8(v), herby permits the occupier as defined under Rule 3(21) to store the Hazardous Waste beyond 90 days. However, the occupier shall ensure that the Hazardous waste is not allowed to store beyond 15 days after lifting of lockdown
West Bengal
Extension Of Validity Period Of Consent For Operation, Authorization In West Bengal
The West Bengal Pollution Control Board, vide Notification No.0951/4A-17/2008, has extended the validity of Consent to Operate up to 30th June 2020, having valid consent to Operate up to 31st March 2020, of all units mentioned in the notification. Please refer to the notification for details
Tamil Nadu
Extension Of Validity Period Of Consent To Operate Or Authorization In Tamil Nadu
The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board has extended the validity of Consent to Operate under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1974 and Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act,1981 or Authorisation under Hazardous and other waste (management and transboundary movement) Rules,2016, Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules,2016, Solid Waste Management Rules,2016 for all the units, who have valid consent to operate or authorisation up to 31st March 2020 for a period of three months up to 30th June 2020. Please refer to the notification for more details
Gujarat Pollution Control Board in view of present COVlD- 19 Pandemic, all the concern's are informed that Environment Audit for the year starting from 1st April 2020 will commence from 1st June 2020 and allotment of the Environment Auditor will be done accordingly through randomization before 1st June 2020. However audit period shall remain unchanged i.e 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021
Extension Of Validity Period Of Consent For Operation, Authorization In Himachal Pradesh
The Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board, vide Notification No. PCB/Consent Branch/Review MeetingNOCs/2020-5395-5416, has extended the validity Of Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate to 30th June 2020 which were having validity up to 31st March 2020
Punjab State Pollution Control Board vide notification No. PPCB/SEE(HQ-2)/2020/259, has extended the validity of Consent-Authorization to industrial units and health care establishments to 30th June 2020 which were set to expire for the period of 15th March 2020 to 30th April 2020
Guidelines To Factories And Establishments In The State Of Haryana In Respect Of COVID-19
Government of Haryana vide notification No. 748-824 has issued guidelines to the management of Factories/Establishments in the State of Haryana in the view of prevailing epidemic situation of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). As per the notification, all the Factories/Establishments shall mandatorily follow the guidelines prescribed by the Government of Haryana. The guidelines in brief are as follows (1)frequent and thorough hand washing facility to all workers, customers and work-site visitors. In case of unavailability of soap or running water, alcohol-based hand rubs with 60% alcohol content shall be provided (2) Encourage workers stay at home if they are sick and to call State helpline no.8558893911 or 108 (3) Encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes and various other steps as mentioned in the notification. Please refer to the notification for detailed information
Guidelines To Factories In Respect To COVID-19 In The State Of Odisha
Government of Odisha vide notification No. 748-824 has issued guidelines to the Factories in the State of Odisha in the view of prevailing epidemic situation of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). As per the notification, all the Factories shall mandatorily follow the guidelines prescribed by the Government of Odisha. The guidelines in brief are as follows (1)frequent and thorough hand washing facility to all workers in a place with soap and alcohol- based hand rubs. (2) Encourage workers stay at home if they are sick and to call State helpline no. 104 and various other steps as mentioned in the notification. Please refer to the notification for detailed information
Page 11 of 12, showing 10 records out of 116 total.