Effective Date


EHS Gazette Notifications

Released Date: 10th Jun, 2020


Levying Of Environmental Compensation Charges Against HCFs In Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board vide notification No. 18/APPCB/BMW/NGT.O.A.710-713/2020 has directed all the Regional Officers to inform all the Health Care Establishments(HCFs) and Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities(CBMWTFs) about the Guidelines issued by CPCB on Management of Healthcare waste as per BMWM Rules, 2016 and on the provisions to levy of Environmental charges against them. Please refer to the notification for more details

Effective Date: 10th Jun, 2020
Released Date: 9th Jun, 2020


Implementation Of Online Consent Management And Monitoring System In Assam

Pollution Control Board of Assam vide Notification No. WB/COM-13/10-11/176, have requested all the concerned industries and entrepreneurs within the state of Assam to submit the Online application for obtaining Consent to Establish/ Consent to Operate via https://asocmms.nic.in as the old portal i.e., https://easeofdoingbusinessinassam.in/ is closed. Please refer to the notification for more details

Effective Date: 9th Jun, 2020
Released Date: 2nd Jun, 2020


Revised Extension Of Validity Period Of Consent And Authorization In Kerala

The Kerala State Pollution Control Board, vide Notification No. PCB/HO/EE2/Press Release/GEN/2019 has extended the authorization and consent of all those units which were set to expire on 31st May 2020 to 30th June 2020 while also stating that the conditions of the authorizations remain the same. Please refer notification for detailed information

Effective Date: 2nd Jun, 2020
Released Date: 21st May, 2020

Tamil Nadu

Guidelines To Be Followed Before Restarting The Factories Involving Hazardous Process, Dangerous Operations In Tamil Nadu

The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, vide this Notification, has released certain Guidelines to factories handling hazardous process/dangerous operations. The guidelines are as follows All potential hazards involved in the start-up process shall be identified with respect to the materials, machinery and process and Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) shall be prepared and strictly followed. The operators adequately trained and equipment control shall be engaged during the start-up process under strict supervision. Prescribed personal protective equipments shall be provided. storage tanks shall be checked for safety. Proper working of all safety systems. The utility equipment shall be checked for a trial run and the process shall be restarted after ensuring their safe operation. Permit to work system shall be strictly followed. Please refer to the notification for details

Effective Date: 21st May, 2020
Released Date: 19th May, 2020


SOP For Carrying Out Inspection During COVID-19 In Maharashtra

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, vide Notification No. MPCB/AST/SOP-Inspection/TB-200519-FTS-0030 has mandated for the Prevention, Control and Abatement of Pollution in the Environment and secure execution thereof. In accordance with this, the Board has issued Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for carrying out Inspection during the phase of COVID-19 pandemic in Maharashtra. Please refer the Notification for details

Effective Date: 19th May, 2020
Released Date: 14th May, 2020


PCB Notification On Re-Opening Of Industries In Odisha

The Odisha State Pollution Control Board, vide notification No. 4478/IND-IV-HW-MISC-03, has issued some directions, which are strictly to be complied with by the Industrial Establishments of Odisha engaged in manufacturing, import, storage of Hazardous Chemicals, whose operations are about to restart. Please refer to the notifications for details

Effective Date: 14th May, 2020
Released Date: 11th May, 2020


PCB Notification On Re-Opening Of Industries In Bihar

The Bihar State Pollution Control Board, vide notification No. 608, has issued directions in view of the Lockdown being partially lifted, which are strictly to be complied with by the Industrial Establishments whose operations are about to restart

Effective Date: 11th May, 2020
Released Date: 11th May, 2020


Strict Safety Precaution To Be Taken Before Resuming Operations Of Units In Maharashtra

The Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board, vide notification No. MPCB/AST/Circular/TB-200511, has issued some directions, in view of the Lockdown being partially lifted, which are strictly to be complied with by the Industrial Establishments which were not in operation during lockdown period and now wants to resume the operations. The conditions to the same are to ensure the proper safety and hazardous audit, Compliance to Manufacture, storage, and import of Hazardous Chemical Rules 1989 and the Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and response) Rules 1996 without fail, effluent treatment plants including safety equipment and its machinery shall be in operational condition before resuming operations, Units shall take utmost care in handling hazardous chemical with the help of trained manpower only, Units shall ensure that environmental norms are not violated, Units shall identify the potential acute hazards and concerns that are inherent in the manufacturing process and shall ensure adequate mitigations measure against each hazard, Units shall ensure that Automation interlocks provided to the Process equipment/ pumps/auxiliary tanks and piping are working properly, Units shall ensure adequate measures are taken to mitigate the risks arising out of Human errors for critical operations. Please refer to the notification for more details

Effective Date: 11th May, 2020
Released Date: 11th May, 2020


Strict Safety Precaution To Be Taken Before Resuming Operations Of Units In Assam

The Assam Pollution Control Board, vide Notification No. WB/G-1548/19-20/62, has issued some directions to the industrial units who are set to resume the operations. The conditions to the same are to ensure the proper safety and hazardous audit, Compliance to Manufacture, storage, and import of Hazardous Chemical Rules 1989 and the Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and response) Rules 1996 without fail, effluent treatment plants including safety equipment and its machinery shall be in operational condition before resuming operations, Units shall take utmost care in handling hazardous chemical with the help of trained manpower only, Units must ensure upto date insurance policy under Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991. Please refer to the Notification for details

Effective Date: 11th May, 2020
Released Date: 9th May, 2020


Safety Precaution To Be Taken Before Resuming Operations Of Units In Kerala

The Kerala State Pollution Control Board, vide press release, has informed that all the industries handling toxic chemicals/materials which were shut down due to lockdown, shall resume their operation only after taking necessary safety/pollution control measures. The Industries which presently in operation also shall be vigilant in maintaining their Safety/Pollution Control measures. Please refer to the notification for details.

Effective Date: 9th May, 2020

Page 9 of 12, showing 10 records out of 116 total.

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