Effective Date


EHS Gazette Notifications

Released Date: 23rd Jul, 2020


List Of Approved Fuels In The State Of Goa

Goa Pollution Control Board vide Notification No. 2-29-2018/ENVT/229, has issued the list of "Approved Fuels" as recommended by the Board. Approved Fuels are as follows:- 1) Coal with low sulphur (Less than 0.4%). 2) Coke/Lignite. 3) LDO/LSHS. 4) Petrol (BS-IV with 50 ppm Sulphur with effect from April 2010 and BS-VI with 10 ppm Sulphur vide Government of India G.S.R. 889 (E) dated 16th September 2016 to be implemented with effect from 01-04-2020. 5) Diesel (BS-IV with 50 ppm Sulphur with effect from April 2010 and BS-VI with 10 ppm Sulphur vide Government of India G.S.R. 889 (E) dated 16th September 2016 to be implemented with effect from 01-04-2020. 6) Aviation Turbine Fuel. 7) Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). 8) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)/LNG. 9) Kerosene. 10) Naptha. 11) Firewood/Dung cake. 12) Bio-gas. 13) Agro waste/biofuel/briquettes. 14) RDF, as per the provision of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016. 15) Charcoal. 16) Hydrogen/Methane. GPCB has further stated that no other fuel with the exception of the ones listed in the table shall be used in the State of Goa

Effective Date: 23rd Jul, 2020
Released Date: 21st Jul, 2020


CPCB Guidelines For Handling, Treatment, And Disposal Of Waste Generated During COVID-19

Central Pollution Control Board vide Revision 4, has released new guidelines, suppressing the earlier guidelines for handling, treatment, and disposal of waste generated during treatment, diagnosis, or quarantine of COVID-19 patients. The guidelines are to be followed by (a) COVID-19 Isolation wards (isolation wards are those where COVID-19 positive patients are being kept for treatment/diagnosis) (b) Sample Collection Centers and Laboratories for COVID-19 suspected patients (c) Responsibilities of persons operating Quarantine Centers/Camps/Home Quarantine or HomeCare facilities (d) Duties of Common Biomedical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF) (e) Duties of SPCBs/PCCs (f) Duties of Urban Local Bodies (g) Management of wastewater from HCFs / Isolation Wards (h) Disposal of used PPEs. Please refer to the notification for details

Effective Date: 21st Jul, 2020
Released Date: 10th Jul, 2020


Issuing Directions To Industries Without Valid PLI Policy In Maharashtra

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide letter dated 10-Jul-2020, has informed the member secretary of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board that as per the information available in Public Liability Insurance Policy Management System (http://plipms.nic.in) 214 industries are identified which do not have valid PLI Policy. The Ministry has thus requested MPCB to issue directions to the defaulting industrial units to ensure compliance under PLI Act. For this end, MPCB are also asked to consider refusing the renewal of Consent to Operate as under the Water Act 1974 and Air Act 1981 in case the defaulting units fail to renew the expired PLI policies

Effective Date: 10th Jul, 2020
Released Date: 1st Jul, 2020

Tamil Nadu

Further Extension Of Validity Period Of Consent For Operation, Authorization In Tamil Nadu

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board had extended the validity of Consent to Operate under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1974 and Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act,1981 or Authorisation under Hazardous and other waste (management and transboundary movement) Rules,2016, Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules,2016, Solid Waste Management Rules,2016 for all the units, who have valid consent to operate or authorization up to 31st March 2020 for a period of three months up to 30th June 2020. As the lockdown is in force, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board vide this notification No.TNPCB/P&D/2020 has extended the consent as above mentioned for a further period of three months, up to 30th September 2020. Please refer the notification for details

Effective Date: 1st Jul, 2020
Released Date: 29th Jun, 2020


Amendment To The Notification Issued By The Board On Re-Categorization Of Industries, Organisations, Activity In Karnataka

Karnataka Pollution Control Board vide Notification No. KSPCB/717(Vol-6)/COC/2019/2020-21/915 has directed to follow the re-categorization of industrial sectors into Red, Orange, Green, and White categories as per the CPCB directions. It has directed to adopt the categorization finalized by CPCB for the following sectors: a. Scrapping centers b. Used cooking oil collection centers c. Compress/ Refined Bio-gas production from biodegradable Wastes d. Railway Stations. All these sectors are enclosed as activities under Addendum-6 in the Notification. Please refer the notification for details

Effective Date: 29th Jun, 2020
Released Date: 29th Jun, 2020


Extension Of Validity Period Of Consent, Authorization For Operation In Assam

Assam Pollution Control Board vide Notification no.WB/G-1530/18-19/95 has extended the validity period of consent/authorization set to be expired on 31st March 2020 to 31st July 2020. The notification comes into effect from the date of issue. Please refer the notification for details

Effective Date: 29th Jun, 2020
Released Date: 29th Jun, 2020


Further Extension Of Validity Period Of Consent To Operate In Jharkhand

The Jharkhand Pollution Control Board, vide Notification No. B-49 has directed that due to Un-lock 1 being extended by the Government till 31st of July 2020, the inspection of the sites is not possible. Thus JPCB has extended the validity Of Consent to Operate to 31st July 2020, which were previously set to expire on 31st March 2020, 30th April 2020, 31st May 2020, and 30th June 2020. Please refer to the notification for more details

Effective Date: 29th Jun, 2020
Released Date: 23rd Jun, 2020


Guidelines For Handling, Treatment, And Disposal Of Waste Generated From COVID-19 Treatment In Jammu And Kashmir

The Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Board, vide public notice have released specific procedures/guidelines regarding handling, collection, transportation, and disposal of biomedical waste generated from COVID-19 affected persons. All the Health Care Facilities and Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facilities are requested by the Board to follow the procedures/guidelines.

Effective Date: 23rd Jun, 2020
Released Date: 23rd Jun, 2020


Granting Of Consents With Certain Conditions In Goa

Goa Pollution Control Board vide Notification No.1/5/20-PCB/Vol.XXVI/Admin./3726 has announced that in view of the Covid-19 situation the applications for consents are getting piled up. Considering this all the units irrespective of the categories the applications for the consents are to be processed with internal reports (without carrying out inspections) wherever applicable and grant the consent with certain conditions as mentioned in the notification. The conditions, in a nutshell, are as follows: (1) The units that have applied for fresh Consent to Operate may be granted Consent for a period of six months (2) The units that have applied for Renewal of the Consent to Operate and have no complaints/ Court matter/non-compliance history, etc. against the unit be granted Consent for full eligible validity (3) In case the unit is having complaints/ Court matter/non-compliance history, etc., then the Consent be granted for 6 months validity (4) Applications received for fresh Consent to Operate from the unit of small green category industries like a guest house having rooms up to 10 nos. may be granted Consent for full validity (5) The application received for obtaining authorization under the various rules may be processed and granted with full validity (6) In case of Consent to Establish applications, temporary structures like shacks and cottages, restaurants and guest houses having rooms up to 10 nos. and the units are in Industrial Estate shall be processed with internal reports and the Consent may be granted (7) For all other CTE applications the site is required to be inspected as the case may be. Please refer to the notification for detailed information

Effective Date: 23rd Jun, 2020
Released Date: 10th Jun, 2020


CPCB Guidelines For Handling, Treatment, And Disposal Of Waste Generated During COVID-19

Central Pollution Control Board vide notification, has released new guidelines for handling, treatment, and disposal of waste generated during treatment, diagnosis, or quarantine of COVID-19 patients. This revision is in the suppression of the earlier guidelines uploaded at the CPCB website. The guidelines mention about Sample Collection Centers and Laboratories for COVID-19 suspected patients, Responsibilities of persons operating Quarantine Camps/Homes or Home-Care facilities, Duties of Common Biomedical Waste Treatment Facility, Duties of SPCBs/PCCs, Duties of Urban Local Bodies and Management of wastewater from HCFs/Isolation Wards. Please refer to the notification for details

Effective Date: 10th Jun, 2020

Page 8 of 12, showing 10 records out of 116 total.

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